These terms and conditions regulate the procedure of selling travel services to individuals via the Internet. The Customer hereby accepts that the Contractor does not operate or control the Internet and therefore provides the Customer with the services under this Contract on an “as is” basis.
The Seller of the services is ODO BelarusTourService, established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs under No. 190464705. Certificate of Compliance No. BY/112 04.03. 0710109.
By using the “Hotels of Belarus” sales system you agree with these Terms and Conditions on your behalf and on behalf of other participants in the trip or your customers. Detailed information and more specific contract arrangements that are not provided/stipulated in these Terms and Conditions are available in the framework of specific reservation and booking procedures.
The universally accepted ranking of hotels by the number of stars applied here only provides reference information about the quality of the hotel based largely on its own estimates. Additional information and all hotel descriptions are based on the data provided by hotels themselves. Booking procedures and conditions are also available in your written booking confirmation.
The hotel holds standard booking until 18:00, local time. If guests fail to arrive prior to 18:00, local time, an additional fee may be collected – please take note of hotel instructions during the booking procedure. If guests can arrive only after 18:00, local time, the Buyer must notify the hotel directly of the planned arrival time. Special booking services are available in certain cases, with check-in time later than the standard 18:00. In this regard, please make note of the detailed terms of booking and cancellation of booking indicated in the commentary of the hotel.
Upon return from the trip, the Buyer will be enabled to rate the hotel. It will be possible to provide comments on the quality of the room, quietness, tidiness, amiability and competence of personnel, price-quality ratio, etc.
BelarusTourService reserves the right to delete users’ ratings without providing reasons. Any booking made via this website is considered a request for a service provided by ODO BelarusTourService.
When using the booking system, the Buyer independently makes an order for services and pays the bill formed in the booking system, or sends a request to BelarusTourService by the electronic mail. The Company confirms the booking and sends the bill and the status of the order to the electronic mail address indicated by the Buyer during the registration. The Buyer pays the total fee for the services as specified in the bill made up by the Company. Booking confirmation is only possible after the bill has been paid for, provided the services are available.
Once the Buyer pays for the services as specified in the bill formed in the booking system, or using any other method indicated by the Company, he automatically accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The date of the Agreement is considered to be the day the Company’s bank produces the documents identifying the payment by the Buyer. The Company automatically cancels the bookings that have not been paid for or have been paid for partially.
The Company submits to the Buyer a confirmation of the provision of Services or denial of confirmation within 48 hours (not including days off and public holidays in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus). The Company guarantees the provision of Services to the Buyer when it submits its confirmation.
When using the booking system, the Buyer is entitled to amend the order previously sent to the Company or cancel it. The Buyer works with the order created in the booking system independently. When working with such orders, the Company does not accept or process any requests, amendments or cancellations made by phone, fax, electronic mail or any way other than via the booking system.
A cancellation of the order after the penalty date (whether the conformation has been provided or not) or failure of the Buyer to arrive at the destination are subject to a penalty payable to the Company in the amount indicated in the order.
Any amendment to the order is considered to be a cancellation of the current order and creation of a new order subject to a penalty payable to the Company. In case of an early termination of the use of the Services and based upon a written application of the Buyer, the Company may refund the Buyer an amount not exceeding the cost of the Services for the unused days starting from the day that follows the one when the Services are discontinued.
In the event there appears a need for a full or partial refund of the amount of the payment to the Buyer during the settlements between the Buyer and the Company, the refund is made by the same method and in the same form that the Company received the payment from the Buyer.
In the event the Buyer has claims to the Company during the provision of the Services, the Buyer must submit to the Company a written claim attaching relevant documents from the host party. The Company will either pay the Buyer the damages or provide a reasonable refusal within 30 days. In any event, the amount of the damages payable to the Buyer cannot exceed 100% of the Services that have been acquired, but not provided.
In exceptional cases, the Company may provide a replacement of the hotel by a hotel of the same or higher category in the same destination without altering the cost of the previously confirmed accommodation.
In the event the Buyer attempts to have several bookings for the same group, the Company reserves the right to cancel such bookings; the penalties that may occur are paid by the Buyer.
Bookings are only available to real customers. If the Company discovers a booking to a fictitious person with a view to booking rooms in a hotel, it reserves the right to cancel such bookings; the penalties that may occur are paid by the Buyer.
The Company cannot guarantee that the special requests that the Buyer includes in the “Additional Information” section will be granted. If the Buyer indicates information contradicting the original booking details (different check-in/check-out dates, room categories, etc.) in the “Additional Information” section, this additional information will be ignored, and the order will be processed without considering these requests.