
07:30 am


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Hotels in Grodno Weißrussland

​Auf dem Stadtplan sehen
Kronon Park Hotel

Kronon Park Hotel
Waldpark Pyschki, 230030 Grodno
ab 120,00 $

Semaschko Hotel

Semaschko Hotel
Antonowstr. 10, 230025 Grodno
ab 90,00 $

Hotel Slavia

Hotel Slavia
Molodeshnajastr. 1, 230025 Grodno
ab 100,00 $

Hotel Tourist Grodno

Hotel Tourist Grodno
Janka-Kupala-Prospekt 63, 230026 Grodno
ab 53,00 $

Hotel Neman

Hotel Neman
Stefan-Batory-Str. 8, 230025 Grodno
ab 49,00 $

Novy Svet
27,Gorkogo str.
​Auf Anfrage



If you reserve accommodation in hotel in Republic of Belarus for 5 and more days, visa support is provided free of charge.