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Na Rostaniah

+375 17 925 53 67, Starye DorogiKommunisticheskaya Str, 18
hotel-na-rostaniah-starye-dorogi-2938 The "Na Rostanyakh" hotel is located in the city Starye Dorogi of the Minsk region. Full reconstruction was carried out in 2005. The cozy three-storyed hotel offers economic placement in 25 rooms calculated on accommodation of 78 people. To services of guests in hotel the hairdressing salon works, and video surveillance in a supervised parking will allow you to be quiet for the car. Near hotel there is an art museum, a monument of architecture of the XIX century.

​Komfort ​Status ​Beschreibung


At booking cancellations or changes in terms of staying in the hotel, it is necessary to inform on it not later than 24 hours before arrival date.
In case of cancellation of service less than one day before the chek-in  terms  established in the contract, the CUSTOMER pays a fine of a daily cost of each reserved room and actual, confirmed by documents, expenses for the additional ordered services(visa support, transfer, meals etc.)


​ab 23.00 USD
​bis 23.00 USD
​zwei Standardbetten
​ab 40.00 USD
​bis 42.00 USD
​zwei Standardbetten
​ab 52.00 USD
​bis 53.00 USD
Single 2 Rooms
​ab 26.00 USD
​bis 26.00 USD
​ab 30.00 USD
​bis 30.00 USD